About Not Cal
Not Cal was started back in 2008 by a guy who was sick of seeing "So Cal" and "Nor Cal" stickers in his home state of Arizona and decided to make some stickers of his own. The "Not Cal" stickers quickly became popular and due to the hard work of him and his team, they were able to grow "Not Cal" into clothing brand that had a large following. Sometime in 2015 life got a little too busy and "Not Cal" had to be put on a hiatus but one of the brand's followers got permission to bring it back. So starting summer of 2023 there will be new "Not Cal" gear available. There will be a new team in place but we will have the same love for the brand and the states we live in as the original team. Although we are Arizona based we will have some designs for the other states that want to show their love for their home state.
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